Roosevelt and World War II from books.google.com
And these are only a few of the scores of revelations in this constantly surprising story of Roosevelt's hidden role in World War II.
Roosevelt and World War II from books.google.com
As the first comprehensive treatment of the American entry into World War II to appear in over thirty-five years, Waldo Heinrichs' volume places American policy in a global context, covering both the European and Asian diplomatic and ...
Roosevelt and World War II from books.google.com
In doing so, FDR, more than any other person, created the Superpower that the United States is today. This book will tell you how it all happened.
Roosevelt and World War II from books.google.com
Examines the distinct leadership roles of Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt during the war years and discusses the dynamics of their marriage.
Roosevelt and World War II from books.google.com
I believe this book will become the standard by which other books about FDR s role in World War II will be measured.
Roosevelt and World War II from books.google.com
Examines events and Japanese naval code transmissions preceding the attack on Pearl Harbor to raise new questions concerning Winston Churchill's advance knowledge of the attack.
Roosevelt and World War II from books.google.com
Traces the crisis period leading up to America's entry in World War II, describing the nation's polarized interventionist and isolation factions as represented by the government, in the press and on the streets, in an account that explores ...
Roosevelt and World War II from books.google.com
The second part of Roger Daniels's biography focuses on FDR's growing mastery in foreign affairs.