認知療法研究 from books.google.com
★ 認知療法是世界上治療焦慮症最有效的方法 ★ 全球超過3億人口為廣泛性焦慮所苦, 擔憂、恐慌、失眠、頭痛、心悸……你是不是覺得自己在崩潰邊緣? ...
認知療法研究 from books.google.com
This highly practical book will guide students through the different levels of research within CBT by addressing the general principles, how to understand statistics and tackling with general principles.
認知療法研究 from books.google.com
This is an essential volume for clinicians interested in establishing successful, long-lasting practice-based research programs.
認知療法研究 from books.google.com
本書由馬偕紀念醫院的辯證行為治療團隊編寫,詳述DBT理論基礎、治療結構、核心策略與四組技巧,特別著重在個別心理治療中如何使用 DBT ...
認知療法研究 from books.google.com
... 治療的突破—認知療法研究結果顯示,認知療法與抗憂鬱藥物一樣有效,甚至有時更有效!憂鬱症如今已被視為全球頭號公衛問題—憂鬱症是如此的普遍,儼然已經成了精神疾患中的「普通感冒」!然而,憂鬱症和感冒之間,其實有一個可怕的不同之處:憂鬱症可能會致命。研究 ...
認知療法研究 from books.google.com
Written by internationally recognized experts, this comprehensive CBT clinician's manual provides disorder-specific chapters and accessible pedagogical features.
認知療法研究 from books.google.com
Experts have defended a wide range of opinions on these issues and have mustered evidence to support their individual claims. The purpose of the present volume is neither to defend nor to expand any specific claim about psychotherapy.
認知療法研究 from books.google.com
正念研究經典,科學實證持續練心即可重塑大腦迴路,提升內心素質,脫離耗損身心的負面情緒 丹尼爾.高曼博士(Daniel.Goleman), 理查.戴維森博士(Richard J. Davidson). 第十章趕走憂鬱認知療法的創立者艾倫.貝克( Aaron Beck )博士曾經問過:「正念是什麼?」那 ...
認知療法研究 from books.google.com
This book provides a comprehensive overview of cognitive enhancement, the use of different substances and actions (e.g., meditation, video game, smart drugs, food supplements, nutrition, brain stimulation, neurofeedback, physical exercise, ...