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英文题名:The economic history of world population
世界人口 from books.google.com
世界人口 from books.google.com
书名原文:Atlas of world population history
世界人口 from books.google.com
本书作为国家重点学科劳动经济学专项资金资助出版的研究成果,从人口经济学的角度,以自人类起源至当代世界人口波动和经济发展的历史脉络为导线,注重分析世界人口增加对经 ...
世界人口 from books.google.com
Combining methodological innovation with overviews of the most recent data and literature, this updated edition of The Future Population of the World is sure to conform its reputation as the most comprehensive and essential publication in ...
世界人口 from books.google.com
世界人口 from books.google.com