KWANSEI GAKUIN University Library


コリン・ウォード著 ; 西村徹, P.ビリングズリー訳. -- 人文書院, 1977.12. <BW00577169>
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HoldingsList 1-3 of about 3

No. Volumes Location Call No Material ID Status Due Date Reservation
0001 KS 4F Stacks 335.4:446 0001820794 0items
0002 U BM Books 335.4:688 0096155387 0items
0003 U Storage Books 335.4:446 0094422227 0items
No. 0001
Location KS 4F Stacks
Call No 335.4:446
Material ID 0001820794
Due Date
Reservation 0items
No. 0002
Location U BM Books
Call No 335.4:688
Material ID 0096155387
Due Date
Reservation 0items
No. 0003
Location U Storage Books
Call No 335.4:446
Material ID 0094422227
Due Date
Reservation 0items

Bibliography Details

title and statement of responsibility area 現代のアナキズム / コリン・ウォード著 ; 西村徹, P.ビリングズリー訳
ゲンダイ ノ アナキズム
publication,distribution,etc.,area 京都 : 人文書院 , 1977.12
physical description area 238p ; 20cm
variant titles 原タイトル:Anarchy in action
note 参考文献:p225〜227
NCID BN06656474
text language code Japanese
author link Ward, Colin <AU00048776>
author link 西村, 徹(1926-)||ニシムラ, トオル <AU00006809>
author link Billingsley, Phil <AU00074476>
classification Social thought NDC8:309.7
classification NDC6:363.8
classification Social affairs. Labor NDLC:EB48
subject headings 無政府主義||ムセイフシュギ