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三角洋一全訳注. -- 講談社, 1981.10. -- (講談社学術文庫). <BW00030437>
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0001 U 3F Paperbacks 080:KGB:Ts94 0059040410 0items
No. 0001
Location U 3F Paperbacks
Call No 080:KGB:Ts94
Material ID 0059040410
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Bibliography Details

title and statement of responsibility area 堤中納言物語 / 三角洋一全訳注
ツツミ チュウナゴン モノガタリ
publication,distribution,etc.,area 東京 : 講談社 , 1981.10
physical description area 359p ; 15cm
parent bibliography link 講談社学術文庫||コウダンシャ ガクジュツ ブンコ <BW02001436>//a
Volume Information
ISBN 4061585576
note 研究文献案内:p355〜359
NCID BN04353256
text language code Japanese
author link 三角, 洋一(1948-)||ミスミ, ヨウイチ <AU00042635>
classification Fiction. Romance. Novel NDC8:913.384
classification The Arts. Language. Literature NDLC:KG67