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澁澤龍彦著. -- 白水社, 1988.3. -- (新編ビブリオテカ澁澤龍彦). <BW04213204>
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0001 U B1 Books 854:Sh24 0070000740 0items
No. 0001
Location U B1 Books
Call No 854:Sh24
Material ID 0070000740
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Bibliography Details

title and statement of responsibility area 城と牢獄 / 澁澤龍彦著
シロ ト ロウゴク
publication,distribution,etc.,area 東京 : 白水社 , 1988.3
physical description area 214p, 図版1枚 ; 20cm
parent bibliography link 新編ビブリオテカ澁澤龍彦||シンペン ビブリオテカ シブサワ タツヒコ <BW03996503>//b
Volume Information
ISBN 4560045380
NCID BN02160896
text language code Japanese
author link 渋沢, 龍彦(1928-1987)||シブサワ, タツヒコ <AU00005195>
classification Essays. Prose NDC8:914.6
classification Essays and lectures NDC8:904
subject headings 文学||ブンガク
subject headings Sade, Donatien Alphonse Francois,marquis de(1740-1814)