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寺尾五郎〔ほか〕編著. -- 社会評論社, 1988.3. <BW00113072>
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No. Volumes Location Call No Material ID Status Due Date Reservation
0001 U B1 Books 195:301 0097152300 0items
No. 0001
Location U B1 Books
Call No 195:301
Material ID 0097152300
Due Date
Reservation 0items

Bibliography Details

title and statement of responsibility area 甦る!安藤昌益 / 寺尾五郎〔ほか〕編著
ヨミガエル アンドウ ショウエキ
publication,distribution,etc.,area 東京 : 社会評論社 , 1988.3
physical description area 296p ; 20cm
note 安藤昌益関係資料発掘史・公刊史年表:p269〜271
NCID BN01974880
text language code Japanese
author link 寺尾, 五郎(1921-1999)||テラオ, ゴロウ <AU00055594>
classification Japanese thought NDC8:121.59
classification NDC7:121.89
subject headings 安藤, 昌益||アンドウ,ショウエキ