
Commentary on the Songs of songs

Rupert of Deutz ; translated by Jieon Kim and Vittorio Hösle ; with introduction by Vittorio Hösle. -- Catholic University of America Press, c2024. -- (The fathers of the church : mediaeval continuation ; v. 22). <BY04316483>

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0001 神学部図書室 281.1:20-2:22 0006938534 0件
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請求記号 281.1:20-2:22
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標題および責任表示 Commentary on the Songs of songs / Rupert of Deutz ; translated by Jieon Kim and Vittorio Hösle ; with introduction by Vittorio Hösle
出版事項 Washington, D.C. : Catholic University of America Press , c2024
形態 xviii, 252 p. ; 22 cm
シリーズ名等 The fathers of the church : mediaeval continuation <BY02007986> v. 22//a
ISBN 9780813237817
その他の標題 原タイトル:Commentaria in Canticum canticorum
注記 Translation of: Commentaria in Canticum canticorum
注記 Includes bibliographical references (p. xv-xviii) and indexes
NCID BD07652220
本文言語 英語
著者標目 *Rupert, of Deutz, ca. 1075-1129 <AU00032211> author
著者標目 Kim, Jieon <AU00476180> tr
著者標目 Hösle, Vittorio, 1960- <AU00027948> tr
分類標目 LCC:BS1485.53
分類標目 DC23:223/.9077
件名標目等 Rupert of Deutz, approximately 1075-1129. Commentaria in Canticum canticorum
件名標目等 Bible Song of Solomon -- Commentaries
件名標目等 Rupert of Deutz, approximately 1075-1129 Commentaria in Canticum canticorum