
Recapturing the apostolate of the laity, 1914-2021

edited by Alana Harris. -- Oxford University Press, c2023. -- (The Oxford history of British and Irish Catholicism ; v. 5). <BY04330982>

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標題および責任表示 Recapturing the apostolate of the laity, 1914-2021 / edited by Alana Harris
出版事項 Oxford : Oxford University Press , c2023
形態 xxiii, 392 p. : ill. ; 24 cm
シリーズ名等 The Oxford history of British and Irish Catholicism <BY04330976> v. 5//a
ISBN 9780198844310
注記 Includes bibliographical references and index
NCID BD05085957
本文言語 英語
著者標目 Harris, Alana, 1973- <AU00478149>
著者標目 Kelly, James E. (James Edward), 1981- <AU00478144>
著者標目 McCafferty, John David <AU00478145>
分類標目 LCC:BX1491
件名標目等 Catholic Church -- Great Britain -- History -- 20th century
件名標目等 Catholic Church -- Great Britain -- History -- 21st century
件名標目等 Catholic Church -- Ireland -- History -- 20th century
件名標目等 Catholic Church -- Ireland -- History -- 21st century