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渡辺達徳編. -- 4: §§533-548の4. -- 有斐閣, 2023.9. -- (有斐閣コンメンタール . 新注釈民法 / 大村敦志, 道垣内弘人, 山本敬三編集代表 ; (11)2). <BW04277763>
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HoldingsList 1-7 of about 7

No. Volumes Location Call No Material ID Status Due Date Reservation
0001 4: §§533-548の4 Law School 344:1003:11-2 0006846315 0items
0002 4: §§533-548の4 Law School 344:1003:11-2 0006848931 Loaned out 2050/12/31 0items
0003 4: §§533-548の4 Sch. Law and Politics 344:1003:11-2 0006850002 Loaned out 2050/12/31 0items
0004 4: §§533-548の4 Sch. Law and Politics 344:1003:11-2 0006850648 Loaned out 2050/12/31 0items
0005 4: §§533-548の4 Sch. Law and Politics 344:1003:11-2 0006852610 Loaned out 2050/12/31 0items
0006 4: §§533-548の4 U 2F Books 344:1003:11-2 0075581330 0items
0007 4: §§533-548の4 Sch. Law and Politics 344:1003:11-2 0006888044 Loaned out 2050/12/31 0items
No. 0001
Volumes 4: §§533-548の4
Location Law School
Call No 344:1003:11-2
Material ID 0006846315
Due Date
Reservation 0items
No. 0002
Volumes 4: §§533-548の4
Location Law School
Call No 344:1003:11-2
Material ID 0006848931
Status Loaned out
Due Date 2050/12/31
Reservation 0items
No. 0003
Volumes 4: §§533-548の4
Location Sch. Law and Politics
Call No 344:1003:11-2
Material ID 0006850002
Status Loaned out
Due Date 2050/12/31
Reservation 0items
No. 0004
Volumes 4: §§533-548の4
Location Sch. Law and Politics
Call No 344:1003:11-2
Material ID 0006850648
Status Loaned out
Due Date 2050/12/31
Reservation 0items
No. 0005
Volumes 4: §§533-548の4
Location Sch. Law and Politics
Call No 344:1003:11-2
Material ID 0006852610
Status Loaned out
Due Date 2050/12/31
Reservation 0items
No. 0006
Volumes 4: §§533-548の4
Location U 2F Books
Call No 344:1003:11-2
Material ID 0075581330
Due Date
Reservation 0items
No. 0007
Volumes 4: §§533-548の4
Location Sch. Law and Politics
Call No 344:1003:11-2
Material ID 0006888044
Status Loaned out
Due Date 2050/12/31
Reservation 0items

Bibliography Details

title and statement of responsibility area 債権 / 渡辺達徳編
publication,distribution,etc.,area 東京 : 有斐閣 , 2023.9
physical description area xv, 419p ; 22cm
parent bibliography link 有斐閣コンメンタール||ユウヒカク コンメンタール <BW03575780> . 新注釈民法 / 大村敦志, 道垣内弘人, 山本敬三編集代表||シン チュウシャク ミンポウ ; (11)2//ab
Volume Information
volumes 4: §§533-548の4
ISBN 9784641017726
variant titles 奥付タイトル:New commentary on the civil code of Japan
note 事項索引: p409-414
note 判例索引: p415-419
NCID BD0409654X
text language code Japanese
author link 渡辺, 達徳||ワタナベ, タツノリ <AU00200251>
author link 大村, 敦志 (1958-)||オオムラ, アツシ <AU00146778>
author link 道垣内, 弘人 (1959-)||ドウガウチ, ヒロト <AU00109904>
author link 山本, 敬三 (1960-)||ヤマモト, ケイゾウ <AU00167783>
classification Civil law NDC9:324
classification Civil law NDC9:324.4
classification Civil law NDC10:324
subject headings 民法||ミンポウ