
Law as passion : systems theory and constitutional theory in peripheral modernity

Miguel Nogueira de Brito, Carina Calabria, Fábio Portela L. Almeida, editors. -- Springer, c2021. <BY04209291>

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標題および責任表示 Law as passion : systems theory and constitutional theory in peripheral modernity / Miguel Nogueira de Brito, Carina Calabria, Fábio Portela L. Almeida, editors
出版事項 Cham : Springer , c2021
形態 xvi, 251 p. ; 25 cm
ISBN 9783030635008
注記 "The chapters consolidate discussions set off during the 2018 international seminar 'Between Theory and Society: Law as Passion'."--Pref
注記 Includes bibliographical references
NCID BC1104471X
本文言語 英語
著者標目 Brito, Miguel Nogueira de, 1965- <AU00461541>
著者標目 Calabria, Carina <>
著者標目 Almeida, Fábio Portela Lopes de, 1981- <AU00461542>
分類標目 DC23:342
件名標目等 Constitutional law
件名標目等 Sociological jurisprudence