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Sustainable ocean for all : harnessing the benefits of sustainable ocean economies for developing countries

: print. -- OECD, c2020. -- (The development dimension). <BY04195162>
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0001 : print U 2F Books 551:2719 0006688055 0items
No. 0001
Volumes : print
Location U 2F Books
Call No 551:2719
Material ID 0006688055
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Bibliography Details

title and statement of responsibility area Sustainable ocean for all : harnessing the benefits of sustainable ocean economies for developing countries
publication,distribution,etc.,area Paris : OECD , c2020
physical description area 170 p. : col. ill. ; 28 cm
parent bibliography link The development dimension <BY03762035>//a
Volume Information
volumes : print
ISBN 9789264868915
note Includes bibliographical references
NCID BC04268025
text language code English
author link Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development <AU00005599>
classification LCC:GC1015.2
subject headings Marine resources development -- Developing countries
subject headings Sustainable development -- Developing countries