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相馬直子, 松木洋人編著. -- 勁草書房, 2020.2. <BW04054556>
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HoldingsList 1-2 of about 2

No. Volumes Location Call No Material ID Status Due Date Reservation
0001 S 3F Books 362.7:3166 0074992975 0items
0002 U 2F Books 362.7:3166 0074994278 0items
No. 0001
Location S 3F Books
Call No 362.7:3166
Material ID 0074992975
Due Date
Reservation 0items
No. 0002
Location U 2F Books
Call No 362.7:3166
Material ID 0074994278
Due Date
Reservation 0items

Bibliography Details

title and statement of responsibility area 子育て支援を労働として考える / 相馬直子, 松木洋人編著
コソダテ シエン オ ロウドウ ト シテ カンガエル
publication,distribution,etc.,area 東京 : 勁草書房 , 2020.2
physical description area iv, 225p ; 22cm
Volume Information
ISBN 9784326603275
variant titles 標題紙タイトル:Care work : economy of care, socialization of care, social support, civil society, love & money, childcare, childrearing, motherhood
note 参考文献: 各章末
NCID BB29830179
text language code Japanese
author link 相馬, 直子(1973-)||ソウマ, ナオコ <AU00446842>
author link 松木, 洋人(1978-)||マツキ, ヒロト <AU00393583>
classification Social welfare NDC8:369.4
classification Social welfare NDC9:369.4
classification Social welfare NDC10:369.4
subject headings 子育て支援||コソダテ シエン