
American higher education in the twenty-first century : social, political, and economic challenges

edited by Michael N. Bastedo, Philip G. Altbach, and Patricia J. Gumport. -- : pbk, : hardcover. -- 4th ed. -- Johns Hopkins University Press, 2016. <BY03871770>

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0001 : pbk 国際学部図書資料室 378.7:9(2) 0005940663 0件
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請求記号 378.7:9(2)
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標題および責任表示 American higher education in the twenty-first century : social, political, and economic challenges / edited by Michael N. Bastedo, Philip G. Altbach, and Patricia J. Gumport
版次 4th ed
出版事項 Baltimore : Johns Hopkins University Press , 2016
形態 x, 559 p. : ill. ; 23-24 cm
巻次等 : pbk
ISBN 9781421419909
巻次等 : hardcover
ISBN 9781421419893
注記 Includes bibliographical references and index
NCID BB20954230
本文言語 英語
著者標目 Bastedo, Michael N. <AU00416533>
著者標目 Altbach, Philip G. <AU00021854>
著者標目 Gumport, Patricia J. <AU00150060>
分類標目 LCC:LA227.4
分類標目 DC23:378.00973
件名標目等 Education, Higher -- Aims and objectives -- United States
件名標目等 Education, Higher -- Social aspects -- United States
件名標目等 Education, Higher -- Political aspects -- United States