
Postcommunist welfare states : reform politics in Russia and Eastern Europe

Linda J. Cook. -- : pbk. -- Cornell University Press, 2013, c2007. -- (Cornell paperbacks). <BY03783413>

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0001 : pbk 上ケ原2F図書 361.6:710 0005686530 0件
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請求記号 361.6:710
資料ID 0005686530
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標題および責任表示 Postcommunist welfare states : reform politics in Russia and Eastern Europe / Linda J. Cook
出版事項 Ithaca : Cornell University Press , 2013, c2007
形態 xiv, 268 p. : ill. ; 23 cm
シリーズ名等 Cornell paperbacks <BY02001068>//a
巻次等 : pbk
ISBN 9780801479007
注記 Originally published: 2007
注記 Includes bibliographical references and index
注記 "First printing, Cornell paperback, 2013"--T.p. verso
NCID BB15696271
本文言語 英語
著者標目 *Cook, Linda J., 1952- <AU00401714> author
分類標目 DC23:361.650947
件名標目等 Public welfare -- Russia (Federation)
件名標目等 Public welfare -- Europe, Eastern
件名標目等 Welfare state -- Russia (Federation)
件名標目等 Welfare state -- Europe, Eastern
件名標目等 Post-communism -- Russia (Federation)
件名標目等 Post-communism -- Europe, Eastern
件名標目等 Russia (Federation) -- Politics and government -- 1991-
件名標目等 Europe, Eastern -- Politics and government -- 1989-