
Origins of the German welfare state : social policy in Germany to 1945

Michael Stolleis ; translated from the German by Thomas Dunlap. -- Springer, c2013. -- (German social policy / edited and introduced by Lutz Leisering ; v. 2). <BY03771971>

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標題および責任表示 Origins of the German welfare state : social policy in Germany to 1945 / Michael Stolleis ; translated from the German by Thomas Dunlap
出版事項 Berlin ; London : Springer , c2013
形態 xii, 188 p. ; 25 cm
シリーズ名等 German social policy / edited and introduced by Lutz Leisering <BY03771972> v. 2//a
ISBN 9783642225215
注記 Includes bibliographical references (p. 158-176) and indexes
NCID BB11230240
本文言語 英語
著者標目 *Stolleis, Michael, 1941- <AU00022094>
著者標目 Dunlap, Thomas <AU00399913>
分類標目 DC23:361.650943
件名標目等 Welfare state -- Germany -- History
件名標目等 Social security -- Germany -- History
件名標目等 Germany -- Social policy -- History