
The Oxford handbook of the early modern sermon

edited by Peter McCullough, Hugh Adlington and Emma Rhatigan. -- Oxford University Press, 2011. <BY03610589>

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0001 上ケ原3F図書 252:614 0005194055 0件
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配架場所 上ケ原3F図書
請求記号 252:614
資料ID 0005194055
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標題および責任表示 The Oxford handbook of the early modern sermon / edited by Peter McCullough, Hugh Adlington and Emma Rhatigan
出版事項 Oxford : Oxford University Press , 2011
形態 xvi, 608 p. : ill., facsims. ; 26 cm
ISBN 9780199237531
注記 Includes bibliographical references (p. [571]-579) and index
NCID BB06510532
本文言語 英語
著者標目 *McCullough, Peter E. <AU00374506>
著者標目 Adlington, Hugh <>
著者標目 Rhatigan, Emma <>
分類標目 DC22:252
件名標目等 Sermons, English -- 16th century -- History and criticism
件名標目等 Sermons, English -- 17th century -- History and criticism
件名標目等 Sermons, English -- 18th century -- History and criticism
件名標目等 Sermons, English -- Ireland -- History and criticism
件名標目等 Sermons, English -- Scotland -- History and criticism
件名標目等 Sermons, English -- Wales -- History and criticism