
Known masters other than florentine monogrammists and anonymous

Martino Pub., 2006. -- (Early Italian engraving : a critical catalogue with complete reproduction of all the prints described / by Arthur M. Hind ; pt. 2). <BY03611350>

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0001 上ケ原3F図書 760:148:2 0005185566 0件
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配架場所 上ケ原3F図書
請求記号 760:148:2
資料ID 0005185566
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標題および責任表示 Known masters other than florentine monogrammists and anonymous
出版事項 Mansfield Centre, Conn. : Martino Pub. , 2006
形態 xxii, 347 p., [431] p. of plates ; 32 cm
シリーズ名等 Early Italian engraving : a critical catalogue with complete reproduction of all the prints described / by Arthur M. Hind <BY03611349> pt. 2//b
注記 Reprint. Originally published: London : Pub. for The National Gallery of Art, Washington Bernard Quaritch Ltd., 1948
注記 In 3 vols. with 692 ill. on 431 plates
注記 v. 5. Catalogue -- v. 6. Plates 486-698 -- v. 7. Plates 699-916
注記 Includes index
NCID BB05062345
本文言語 英語
著者標目 Hind, Arthur Mayger, 1880-1957 <AU00072009>
分類標目 LCC:NE659.16
分類標目 DC22:769.945074
件名標目等 Engraving, Italian -- 15th century -- Catalogs
件名標目等 Engraving, Renaissance -- Italy -- Catalogs