
Applications and contexts

edited by David Grant, Cynthia Hardy and Linda L. Putnam. -- Sage, 2011. -- (SAGE library in business and management . Organizational discourse studies ; v. 3). <BY03551722>

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標題および責任表示 Applications and contexts / edited by David Grant, Cynthia Hardy and Linda L. Putnam
出版事項 London : Sage , 2011
形態 vi, 427 p. : ill. ; 24 cm
シリーズ名等 SAGE library in business and management <BY03020738> . Organizational discourse studies ; v. 3//ab
注記 Set ISBN for "Organizational discourse studies.": 9781849207362
注記 Includes bibliographical references
NCID BB0465370X
本文言語 英語
著者標目 Grant, David <AU00364851>
著者標目 Hardy, Cynthia, 1956- <AU00096502>
著者標目 Putnam, Linda <AU00119569>
分類標目 DC22:658.45
件名標目等 Communication in organizations
件名標目等 Organizational sociology
件名標目等 Discourse analysis