
The theory and practice of innovation policy : an international research handbook

edited by Ruud E. Smits, Stefan Kuhlmann, Philip Shapira. -- : cased. -- Edward Elgar, c2010. -- (Prime series on research and innovation policy in Europe / Philippe Larédo, series editor). <BY03544178>

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0001 : cased 上ケ原2F図書 338:2415 0004998191 0件
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請求記号 338:2415
資料ID 0004998191
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標題および責任表示 The theory and practice of innovation policy : an international research handbook / edited by Ruud E. Smits, Stefan Kuhlmann, Philip Shapira
出版事項 Cheltenham : Edward Elgar , c2010
形態 xiii, 481 p. : ill. ; 24 cm
シリーズ名等 Prime series on research and innovation policy in Europe / Philippe Larédo, series editor <BY03404527>//a
巻次等 : cased
ISBN 9781845428488
注記 Includes bibliographical references and index
NCID BB03628354
本文言語 英語
著者標目 Smits, Ruud <>
著者標目 Kuhlmann, Stefan <AU00363599>
著者標目 Shapira, Philip <AU00150131>
分類標目 DC22:338.064
件名標目等 Technological innovations -- Government policy
件名標目等 Technology and state