
Promoting energy efficiency investments : case studies in the residential sector

International Energy Agency. <BY03890678>

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0001 上ケ原館外書庫図書 338:2966 7000127451 0件
No. 0001
配架場所 上ケ原館外書庫図書
請求記号 338:2966
資料ID 7000127451
予約 0件


標題および責任表示 Promoting energy efficiency investments : case studies in the residential sector
出版事項 Paris : International Energy Agency
出版事項 [Paris] : Agence Française de Développement , c2008
形態 321 p. : col. ill. ; 27 cm
ISBN 9789264042148
注記 "This book was initiated, designed, and coordinated by Philippine de T'Serclaes (IEA) and Nils Devernois (AFD), under the supervision and guidance of Richard Bradley (Head of the Energy Efficiency & Environment Division of the IEA) and Robert Peccoud (Head of the Research Department of AFD)."--P. 3
注記 "OECD"--P. 4 of cover
注記 Includes bibliographical references (p. 291-321)
NCID BA85745170
本文言語 英語
著者標目 T'Serclaes, Philippine de <>
著者標目 Devernois, Nils <>
著者標目 International Energy Agency <AU00009529>
著者標目 Agence française de développement <AU00385320>
著者標目 Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development <AU00005599>
件名標目等 Dwellings -- Energy conservation -- Case studies
件名標目等 Energy conservation -- Economic aspects -- Case studies
件名標目等 Energy policy -- Case studies