
Abhráin diaḋa ċúige Connaċt, or, The religious songs of Connacht : a collection of poems, stories, prayers, satires, ranns, charms, etc.

now for the first time collected, edited, and translated by Douglas Hyde (An Craoiḃín Aoiḃinn). -- cuid 1, cuid 2. -- M.H. Gill. <BY00159498>

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0001 cuid 1 上ケ原特別文庫 080:S-0443 0091837161 0件
0002 cuid 2 上ケ原特別文庫 080:S-0443 0091837179 0件
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配架場所 上ケ原特別文庫
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資料ID 0091837161
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配架場所 上ケ原特別文庫
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資料ID 0091837179
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標題および責任表示 Abhráin diaḋa ċúige Connaċt, or, The religious songs of Connacht : a collection of poems, stories, prayers, satires, ranns, charms, etc. / now for the first time collected, edited, and translated by Douglas Hyde (An Craoiḃín Aoiḃinn)
出版事項 Dublin : M.H. Gill
出版事項 London : T. Fisher Unwin , [1---]
形態 2 v. ; 20 cm
巻次等 cuid 1
巻次等 cuid 2
その他の標題 異なりアクセスタイトル:Abhráin diadha chúige Connacht
注記 Parallel Irish text and English translation, English introduction
注記 Cuid 1. Being chapter VI. of The songs of Connacht -- cuid 2. Being chapter VII. of The songs of Connacht
NCID BA84412853
本文言語 英語 Irish, Middle (ca.1100-1550)
著者標目 *Hyde, Douglas, 1860-1949 <AU00049843>
分類標目 DC18:891.6/2/1008
件名標目等 Poetry in Irish Anthologies. English texts. Facsimiles