

Challenges to peacebuilding : managing spoilers during conflict resolution

edited by Edward Newman and Oliver Richmond. -- : pbk. -- United Nations University Press, c2006. <BY03619418>

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0001 : pbk 三田4F集密図書 327.2:1066 0028497626 0件
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配架場所 三田4F集密図書
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資料ID 0028497626
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資料ID 0005505540
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標題および責任表示 Challenges to peacebuilding : managing spoilers during conflict resolution / edited by Edward Newman and Oliver Richmond
出版事項 New York, NY : United Nations University Press , c2006
形態 xi, 329 p. ; 24 cm
巻次等 : pbk
ISBN 9789280811261
内容著作注記 Introduction : obstacles to peace processes : understanding spoiling / Edward Newman and Oliver Richmond
内容著作注記 Internal and external dynamics of spoiling : a negotiation approach / Karin Aggestam
内容著作注記 Understanding the violence of insiders : loyalty, custodians of peace, and the sustainability of conflict settlement / Marie-Joëlle Zahar
内容著作注記 The linkage between devious objectives and spoiling behaviour in peace processes / Oliver Richmond
内容著作注記 Terrorism as a tactic of spoilers in peace processes / Ekaterina Stepanova
内容著作注記 Spoilers or catalysts? The role of diasporas in peace processes / Yossi Shain and Ravinatha P. Aryasinha
内容著作注記 "New wars" and spoilers / Edward Newman
内容著作注記 Northern Ireland : a peace process thwarted by accidental spoiling / Roger Mac Ginty
内容著作注記 Why do peace processes collapse? The Basque conflict and the three-spoilers perspective / Daniele Conversi
内容著作注記 Peace on whose terms? War veterans' associations in Bosnia and Herzegovina / Vesna Bojicic-Dzelilovic
内容著作注記 Spoilers in Colombia : actors and strategies / Carlo Nasi
内容著作注記 The Israeli-Palestinian peace process : the strategic art of deception / Magnus Ranstorp
内容著作注記 Spoiling peace in Cyprus / Nathalie Tocci
内容著作注記 The Abkhazia and South Ossetia cases : spoilers in a nearly collapsed peace process / George Khutsishvili
内容著作注記 Spoilers and devious objectives in Kashmir / Jaideep Saikia
注記 Includes bibliographical references and index
NCID BA78535098
本文言語 英語
著者標目 Newman, Edward, 1970- <AU00317202>
著者標目 Richmond, Oliver P. <AU00355323>
分類標目 LCC:JZ5538
分類標目 DC22:327.1/72
件名標目等 Peace-building
件名標目等 Conflict management