
The de Young in the 21st century : a museum by Herzog & de Meuron

Diana Ketcham with Michael Corbett , Mitchell Schwarzer, and Aaron Betsky ; principal photography by Mark Darley. -- Thames & Hudson, 2005. <BY03502363>

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0001 三田4F図書 690:1084 0028652139 0件
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標題および責任表示 The de Young in the 21st century : a museum by Herzog & de Meuron / Diana Ketcham with Michael Corbett , Mitchell Schwarzer, and Aaron Betsky ; principal photography by Mark Darley
出版事項 London : Thames & Hudson , 2005
形態 208 p. : ill. (chiefly col.) ; 29 cm
ISBN 0500342156
注記 "Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco."
注記 Includes bibliographical references and index
NCID BA7427358X
本文言語 英語
著者標目 *Ketcham, Diana <>
著者標目 Corbett, Michael <>
著者標目 Schwarzer, Mitchell <>
著者標目 Betsky, Aaron <AU00282548>
分類標目 LCC:N739.5
件名標目等 M.H. De Young Memorial Museum
件名標目等 Herzog & de Meuron
件名標目等 Museum architecture