
The Cambridge companion to the age of Justinian

edited by Michael Maas. -- : pbk, : hard. -- Cambridge University Press, 2005. <BY03225009>

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0001 : hard 上ケ原3F図書 949.5:195 0004114328 0件
No. 0001
巻号 : hard
配架場所 上ケ原3F図書
請求記号 949.5:195
資料ID 0004114328
予約 0件


標題および責任表示 The Cambridge companion to the age of Justinian / edited by Michael Maas
出版事項 New York : Cambridge University Press , 2005
形態 xxvii, 626 p., [24]p. of plates : ill. (some col.), 5 maps ; 23 cm
巻次等 : pbk
ISBN 0521520711
巻次等 : hard
ISBN 0521817463
内容著作注記 Roman questions, Byzantine answers : contours of the age of Justinian / Michael Maas
内容著作注記 Economy and administration : how did the empire work? / John F. Haldon
内容著作注記 Justinian's Constantinople / Brian Croke
内容著作注記 The classical city in the sixth century : survival and transformation / Kenneth G. Holum
内容著作注記 The empire at war / A. D. Lee
内容著作注記 Mediterranean plague in the age of Justinian / Peregrine Horden
内容著作注記 Law and legal practice in the age of Justinian / Caroline Humeress
内容著作注記 Justinianic ideology and the power of the past / Charles Pazdernik
内容著作注記 The legacy of Chalcedon : Christological problems and their significance / Patrick T. R. Gray
内容著作注記 Society and community in the Christian East / Lucas van Rompay
内容著作注記 Emperors and popes in the sixth century : the Western view / Claire Sotinel
内容著作注記 Christian piety and practice in the sixth century / Derek Krueger
内容著作注記 Philosophy in the age of Justinian / Christian Wildberg
内容著作注記 Art and architecture in the age of Justinian / Joseph D. Alchermes
内容著作注記 Literary culture under Justinian / Claudia Rapp
内容著作注記 Jews in the age of Justinian / Nicholas De Lange
内容著作注記 The age of Justinian : gender and society / Leslie Brubaker
内容著作注記 Justinian and the barbarian kingdoms / Walter Pohl
内容著作注記 Byzantium and the East in the sixth century / Geoffrey Greatrex
内容著作注記 The background to Islam / Fred M. Donner
注記 Includes bibliographical references (p. 535-581) and index
注記 HTTP:URL=http://www.loc.gov/catdir/toc/cam041/2004049266.html Information=Table of contents
注記 HTTP:URL=http://www.loc.gov/catdir/description/cam041/2004049266.html Information=Publisher description
NCID BA72307997
本文言語 英語
著者標目 Maas, Michael, 1951- <AU00279573>
分類標目 LCC:DF572
分類標目 DC22:949.5/013
分類標目 歴史・地理 NDLC:GA62
件名標目等 Byzantine Empire -- History -- Justinian I, 527-565