
International labor standards : globalization, trade, and public policy

edited by Robert J. Flanagan, William B. Gould IV. -- Stanford Law and Politics, c2003. <BY03158918>

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標題および責任表示 International labor standards : globalization, trade, and public policy / edited by Robert J. Flanagan, William B. Gould IV
出版事項 Stanford, Calif. : Stanford Law and Politics , c2003
形態 275 p. ; 24 cm
ISBN 0804746907
内容著作注記 Labor standards and international competitive advantage / Robert J. Flanagan
内容著作注記 International labor standards and decent work : perspectives from the developing world / Gary S. Fields
内容著作注記 Labor law for a global economy : the uneasy case for international labor standards / William B. Gould IV
内容著作注記 Why international labor standards? / Sarah H. Cleveland
内容著作注記 "Form follows function" : formuations of international labor standards : treaties, codes, soft law, trade agreements / Virginia A. Leary
内容著作注記 Can codes of conduct play a role in promoting workers' rights? / Michael Posner and Justine Nolan
内容著作注記 Free trade and labor relations in México / Enrique de la Garza Toledo
注記 Chapter 3, "Labor law for a global economy: the uneasy case for international labor standards" was originally published in the Nebraska Law Review, c2001
注記 Includes bibliographical references and index
NCID BA65189198
本文言語 英語
著者標目 Flanagan, Robert J. <AU00037226>
著者標目 Gould, William B. <AU00019263>
分類標目 LCC:K1705
分類標目 DC21:341.7/63
件名標目等 Labor laws and legislation, International
件名標目等 International trade
件名標目等 Globalization