
The philosophy of music : being the substance of a course of lectures delivered at the Royal Institution of Great Britain, in February and March 1877

by William Pole. -- 5th ed., rev. -- Kegan Paul, Trench, Trübner, 1910. -- (The English and foreign philosophical library ; Vol. 11). <BY00197962>

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標題および責任表示 The philosophy of music : being the substance of a course of lectures delivered at the Royal Institution of Great Britain, in February and March 1877 / by William Pole
版次 5th ed., rev
出版事項 London : Kegan Paul, Trench, Trübner , 1910
形態 xx, 328 p. : music ; 22 cm
シリーズ名等 The English and foreign philosophical library <BY03299940> Vol. 11//a
NCID BA58201023
本文言語 英語
著者標目 *Pole, William <>