
Football, Europe and the press

Liz Crolley and David Hand. -- pbk. -- Frank Cass, c2002. -- (Cass series : sport in the global society ; no. 24). <BY03023251>

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0001 pbk 上ケ原B1図書 796.4:475 0003182227 0件
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請求記号 796.4:475
資料ID 0003182227
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標題および責任表示 Football, Europe and the press / Liz Crolley and David Hand
出版事項 London : Frank Cass , c2002
形態 xi, 195 p. ; 25 cm
シリーズ名等 Cass series : sport in the global society <BY02015947> no. 24//a
ISBN 0714649570
巻次等 pbk
ISBN 0714680176
注記 Includes bibliographical references and index
NCID BA57343361
本文言語 英語
著者標目 *Crolley, Liz, 1966- <>
著者標目 Hand, D. J. <AU00001782>
件名標目等 Soccer -- Social aspects -- England
件名標目等 Sports journalism -- England
件名標目等 Nationalism and sports -- England
件名標目等 Soccer -- Social aspects -- France
件名標目等 Sports journalism -- France
件名標目等 Nationalism and sports -- France
件名標目等 Soccer -- Social aspects -- Spain
件名標目等 Sports journalism -- Spain
件名標目等 Nationalism and sports -- Spain