
European economic alliances : a compilation of information on international commercial policies after the European War and their effect upon the foreign trade of the United States : also an analysis of European and United States commercial inter-dependence and treaty relations

compiled under the direction of the Secretary of the National Foreign Trade Council. -- 2nd ed. -- National Foreign Trade Council, 1916. <BY00372029>

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標題および責任表示 European economic alliances : a compilation of information on international commercial policies after the European War and their effect upon the foreign trade of the United States : also an analysis of European and United States commercial inter-dependence and treaty relations / compiled under the direction of the Secretary of the National Foreign Trade Council
版次 2nd ed
出版事項 New York : National Foreign Trade Council , 1916
形態 128 p. ; 23 cm
NCID BA36556444
本文言語 英語
著者標目 National Foreign Trade Council (United States) <AU00138702>