
An inquiry concerning the rise and progress, the redemption and present state, and the management of the national debt of Great Britain

Robert Hamilton. -- Printed for Oliphant, Waugh, and Innes, 1813. <BY03677792>

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標題および責任表示 An inquiry concerning the rise and progress, the redemption and present state, and the management of the national debt of Great Britain / Robert Hamilton
出版事項 Edinburgh : Printed for Oliphant, Waugh, and Innes : Sold by W. Turnbull, Glasgow, A. Brown, Aberdeen, and Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown, London , 1813
形態 v, [3], 212 p. ; 22 cm
注記 Errata on p. [viii]
NCID BA35811943
本文言語 英語
著者標目 *Hamilton, Robert, 1743-1829 <AU00242642>