
Stochastic programming methods and technical applications : proceedings of the 3rd GAMM/IFIP-Workshop on "Stochastic Optimization: Numerical Methods and Technical Applications", held at the Federal Armed Forces University Munich, Neubiberg/München, Germany, June 17-20, 1996

Kurt Marti, Peter Kall, (eds.). -- Springer-Verlag, c1998. -- (Lecture notes in economics and mathematical systems ; 458). <BY00086329>

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標題および責任表示 Stochastic programming methods and technical applications : proceedings of the 3rd GAMM/IFIP-Workshop on "Stochastic Optimization: Numerical Methods and Technical Applications", held at the Federal Armed Forces University Munich, Neubiberg/München, Germany, June 17-20, 1996 / Kurt Marti, Peter Kall, (eds.)
出版事項 Berlin ; New York : Springer-Verlag , c1998
形態 x, 437 p. : ill. ; 24 cm
シリーズ名等 Lecture notes in economics and mathematical systems <BY02000343> 458//a
ISBN 3540639241
注記 Includes bibliographical references and index
NCID BA35150466
本文言語 英語
著者標目 *GAMM/IFIP-Workshop on "Stochastic Optimization: Numerical Methods and Technical Applications" <AU00153521> (3rd : 1996 : Federal Armed Forces University Munich)
著者標目 Marti, Kurt, 1943- <AU00061402>
著者標目 Kall, Peter <AU00061084>
分類標目 LCC:T57.79
分類標目 DC21:519.7
件名標目等 Stochastic programming -- Congresses
件名標目等 Mathematical optimization -- Congresses
件名標目等 Stochastic processes -- Congresses