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The service profit chain : how leading companies link profit and growth to loyalty, satisfaction, and value

James L. Heskett, W. Earl Sasser, Jr., Leonard A. Schlesinger. -- Free Press, c1997. <BY00081005>
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0001 U BM Books 380.1:3321 0002361061 0items
No. 0001
Location U BM Books
Call No 380.1:3321
Material ID 0002361061
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Bibliography Details

title and statement of responsibility area The service profit chain : how leading companies link profit and growth to loyalty, satisfaction, and value / James L. Heskett, W. Earl Sasser, Jr., Leonard A. Schlesinger
publication,distribution,etc.,area New York : Free Press , c1997
physical description area xvii, 301 p. ; 25 cm
Volume Information
ISBN 0684832569
note Includes bibliographical references and index
NCID BA29896861
author link *Heskett, James L. <AU00006964>
author link Sasser, W. Earl <AU00109365>
author link Schlesinger, Leonard A. <AU00059266>
classification LCC:HF5415.5
classification DC21:658.8/12
subject headings Customer services
subject headings Customer satisfaction
subject headings Employee loyalty
subject headings Industrial productivity