
Monuments from the upper Tembris valley, Contiaeum, Cadi, Synaus, Ancyra, and Tiberiopolis

recorded by C.W.M. Cox, A. Cameron, and J. Cullen ; edited by B. Levick ... [et al.]. -- Society for the Promotion of Roman Studies, 1993. -- (Journal of Roman studies monographs ; no. 7)(Monumenta Asiae minoris antiqua ; v. 10). <BY04123593>

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標題および責任表示 Monuments from the upper Tembris valley, Contiaeum, Cadi, Synaus, Ancyra, and Tiberiopolis / recorded by C.W.M. Cox, A. Cameron, and J. Cullen ; edited by B. Levick ... [et al.]
出版事項 London : Society for the Promotion of Roman Studies , 1993
形態 l, 201 p., [1], lvi p. of plates (1 folded) : ill., maps ; 29 cm
シリーズ名等 Journal of Roman studies monographs <BY04123588> no. 7//a
シリーズ名等 Monumenta Asiae minoris antiqua <BY04123589> v. 10//b
ISBN 0907764185
NCID BA29877506
本文言語 英語 ラテン語 古代ギリシャ語
著者標目 Cox, C. W. M. <AU00455595>
著者標目 Cameron, A. <AU00455596>
著者標目 Cullen, J. <AU00455600>
著者標目 Levick, Barbara <AU00025962>
著者標目 Society for the Promotion of Roman Studies <AU00257315>