
The United States and the European Community : policies for a changing world economy : a statement on national policy by the Research and Policy Committee of the Committee for Economic Development, November 1971

[the Research and Policy Committee of the Committee for Economic Development, CED], [1971]. <BY00413147>

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0001 上ケ原館外書庫図書 338.9:822 0093704484 0件
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請求記号 338.9:822
資料ID 0093704484
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標題および責任表示 The United States and the European Community : policies for a changing world economy : a statement on national policy by the Research and Policy Committee of the Committee for Economic Development, November 1971
出版事項 [New York] : [the Research and Policy Committee of the Committee for Economic Development, CED] , [1971]
形態 75 p. ; 28 cm
ISBN 0871860449
注記 Includes bibliographical references
NCID BA23716912
本文言語 英語
著者標目 *Committee for Economic Development. Research and Policy Committee <AU00081724>
分類標目 LCC:HC241.25.U5
分類標目 DC:338.914/073
件名標目等 European Economic Community -- United States