
Marriage: studies in emotional conflict and growth

edited by Lily Pincus. With contributions by Kathleen Bannister [and others] and an introd. by A. G. Thompson. -- Methuen, [1960]. <BY00063358>

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標題および責任表示 Marriage: studies in emotional conflict and growth / edited by Lily Pincus. With contributions by Kathleen Bannister [and others] and an introd. by A. G. Thompson
出版事項 London : Methuen , [1960]
形態 vii, 259 p ; 23 cm
注記 ***遡及データをもとにした流用入力である
注記 Prepared by case-workers of the Family Discussion Bureau
注記 Bibliography: p. [253]-254
NCID BA23481262
本文言語 英語
著者標目 *Family Welfare Association (Great Britain). Family Discussion Bureau <AU00108249>
著者標目 Pincus, Lily <AU00010837> ed
分類標目 LCC:HQ10
分類標目 DC:362.8/2
件名標目等 Marriage counseling -- Case studies