
Studies in Roman economic and social history : in honor of Allan Chester Johnson

edited by Paul R. Coleman-Norton ; with the assistance of F.C. Bourne and J.V.A. Fine. -- Princeton University Press, 1951. <BY00170912>

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標題および責任表示 Studies in Roman economic and social history : in honor of Allan Chester Johnson / edited by Paul R. Coleman-Norton ; with the assistance of F.C. Bourne and J.V.A. Fine
出版事項 Princeton, N.J. : Princeton University Press , 1951
形態 xiii, 373 p. : ill., port. ; 23 cm
注記 Bibliographical footnotes
NCID BA19956107
本文言語 英語
著者標目 *Coleman-Norton, P. R. (Paul Robinson) <AU00265538>
著者標目 Johnson, Allan Chester <AU00265539>
著者標目 Bourne, Frank Card <AU00265540>
著者標目 Fine, John V. A. (John Van Antwerp), 1903-1987 <AU00265541>
分類標目 LCC:HC39
分類標目 DC:330.937
件名標目等 Rome -- Economic conditions