
Wheatcroft on capital gains taxes : the law relating to chargeable gains taxed by capital gains tax, corporation tax and case VII of schedule D and also the difference from and comparable effects of taxation of profits and gains under cases I, II and VI of schedule D

by G.S.A. Wheatcroft and A.E.W. Park ; assisted by P.G. Whiteman. -- Sweet & Maxwell. <BY00369452>

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標題および責任表示 Wheatcroft on capital gains taxes : the law relating to chargeable gains taxed by capital gains tax, corporation tax and case VII of schedule D and also the difference from and comparable effects of taxation of profits and gains under cases I, II and VI of schedule D / by G.S.A. Wheatcroft and A.E.W. Park ; assisted by P.G. Whiteman
出版事項 London : Sweet & Maxwell
出版事項 Edinburgh : Green , 1967
形態 xxxviii, 633 p. : tables ; 26 cm
その他の標題 異なりアクセスタイトル:Capital gains taxes
注記 Second ed. published in 1960 under title: Wheatcroft and Whiteman on capital gains tax
注記 Bibliographical footnotes
NCID BA18223836
本文言語 英語
著者標目 *Wheatcroft, G. S. A. <AU00083480>
著者標目 Park, A. E. W. <AU00142167> joint author
分類標目 LCC:LAW
分類標目 DC:340
件名標目等 Capital gains tax -- Law and legislation -- Great Britain