
Educational systems of the chief crown colonies and possessions of the British Empire, including reports on the training of native races

Board of Education. -- Pt. 1, Pt. 2, Pt. 3. -- Rinsen Book, 1974. -- (Special Reports on educational subjects ; v. 12, 13, 14). <BY00209815>

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0001 Pt. 1 上ケ原BM図書 370.8:84:12 0094929627 0件
0002 Pt. 2 上ケ原BM図書 370.8:84:13 0094929635 0件
0003 Pt. 3 上ケ原BM図書 370.8:84:14 0094929643 0件
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配架場所 上ケ原BM図書
請求記号 370.8:84:12
資料ID 0094929627
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資料ID 0094929635
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配架場所 上ケ原BM図書
請求記号 370.8:84:14
資料ID 0094929643
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標題および責任表示 Educational systems of the chief crown colonies and possessions of the British Empire, including reports on the training of native races / Board of Education
出版事項 Kyoto : Rinsen Book , 1974
形態 3 v. ; 24 cm
シリーズ名等 Special Reports on educational subjects <BY03059390> v. 12, 13, 14//b
巻次等 Pt. 1
巻次等 Pt. 2
巻次等 Pt. 3
注記 "Presented to both houses of parliament by command of her Majesty"
注記 Pt.: 1. West Indies and Central America, St. Helena, Cyprus and Gibraltar -- 2. West Africa, Basutoland, Southern Rhodesia, East Africa Protectorate, Uganda, Mauritius, Seychelles -- 3. Federated Malay States, Hong Kong, Straits Settlements, Fiji, FalklandIslands
注記 Reprint. Originally publishes: for Her Majesty's Stationery Office by Wand yman and Sons, London, 1905
NCID BA14088411
本文言語 英語
著者標目 *Great Britain. Board of Education <AU00034084>