

Language and the tragic hero : essays on Greek tragedy in honor of Gordon M. Kirkwood

edited by Pietro Pucci. -- Scholars Press, c1988. -- (Homage series). <BY00043039>

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資料ID 0001260900
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標題および責任表示 Language and the tragic hero : essays on Greek tragedy in honor of Gordon M. Kirkwood / edited by Pietro Pucci
出版事項 Atlanta, Ga. : Scholars Press , c1988
形態 xv, 191 p. : port. ; 24 cm
シリーズ名等 Homage series <BY02004869>//a
ISBN 1555402682
内容著作注記 Artemis and the sacrifice of Iphigeneia in Aeschylus' Agamemnon / Kevin Clinton
内容著作注記 Agamemnon in doubt and hesitation / Jacqueline de Romilly
内容著作注記 Potmos from Homer to Euripides / Douglas E. Gerber
内容著作注記 Socrates and the tragic hero / T.H. Irwin
内容著作注記 Medea nunc sum : the close of Seneca's version / W.R. Johnson
内容著作注記 Xerxes' entrance : irony, myth, and history in the Persians / Phillip Mitsis
内容著作注記 Socrates Deinos legein / Helen F. North
内容著作注記 Reading the riddles of Oedipus Rex / Pietro Pucci
内容著作注記 Two questions on Sophocles' Philoctetes / Michael C. Stokes
内容著作注記 The poetry of Tongue and Phrên in the Frogs / Leonard Woodbury
注記 "Bibliography of Gordon M. Kirkwood": p. [ix]-xv
注記 Includes index
NCID BA13616944
本文言語 英語
著者標目 Kirkwood, Gordon MacDonald, 1916- <AU00099836>
著者標目 Pucci, Pietro <AU00060354>
分類標目 LCC:PA3131
分類標目 DC19:882/.01/09
件名標目等 Greek drama (Tragedy) -- History and criticism
件名標目等 Heroes in literature
件名標目等 Kirkwood, Gordon MacDonald, 1916-