
The fate of the Germans in Hungary

The fate of the Germans in Rumania / Theodor Schieder, editor. -- Federal Ministry for Expellees, Refugees and War Victims, 1961. -- (Documents on the expulsion of the Germans from Eastern-Central-Europe ; v. 2/3). <BY03729804>

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0001 法学部資料室 323.1:321:2/3 0095736435 0件
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標題および責任表示 The fate of the Germans in Hungary ; The fate of the Germans in Rumania / Theodor Schieder, editor
出版事項 Bonn : Federal Ministry for Expellees, Refugees and War Victims , 1961
形態 viii, 214, x, 355 p. : [2] fold. maps ; 24 cm
シリーズ名等 Documents on the expulsion of the Germans from Eastern-Central-Europe <BY02010489> v. 2/3//b
その他の標題 表紙タイトル:The expulsion of the German population from Hungary and Rumania
その他の標題 その他のタイトル:Dokumentation der Vertreibung der deutschen aus Ost-Mittel Europa
注記 "A selection and translation from Dokumentation der Vertreibung der deutschen aus Ost-Mittel Europa. Bd. 2, Bd. 3"--each T.p.
NCID BA1269645X
本文言語 英語
著者標目 Schieder, Theodor <AU00014486>