
The South and the sectional conflict

David M. Potter. -- Louisiana State University Press, 1968. <BY00029884>

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0001 上ケ原BM図書 320.97:855 0094608833 0件
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配架場所 上ケ原BM図書
請求記号 320.97:855
資料ID 0094608833
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標題および責任表示 The South and the sectional conflict / David M. Potter
出版事項 Baton Rouge : Louisiana State University Press , 1968
形態 xi, 321 p. ; 23 cm
内容著作注記 The enigma of the South
内容著作注記 On understanding the South
内容著作注記 The historian's use of nationalism and vice versa
内容著作注記 The literature on the background of the Civil War
内容著作注記 The Lincoln theme and American national historiography
内容著作注記 Depletion and renewal in Southern history
内容著作注記 John Brown and the paradox of leadership among American Negroes
内容著作注記 Horace Greeley and peaceable secession
内容著作注記 Why the Republicans rejected both compromise and secession
内容著作注記 Jefferson Davis and the political factors in Confederate defeat
内容著作注記 The Civil War in the history of the modern world; a comparative view
注記 Essays
注記 Includes bibliographical references
NCID BA10249891
本文言語 英語
著者標目 *Potter, David Morris <AU00041159>
分類標目 LCC:F214
分類標目 DC:975
件名標目等 Southern States -- History -- Addresses, essays, lectures
件名標目等 United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865 -- Historiography