
Psychology and life : a study of the thinking, feeling, and doing of people, including a section on physiological backgrounds

Flody L. Ruch. -- New ed. -- Scott, Foresman, c1941. <BY00154975>

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標題および責任表示 Psychology and life : a study of the thinking, feeling, and doing of people, including a section on physiological backgrounds / Flody L. Ruch
版次 New ed
出版事項 Chicago ; New York : Scott, Foresman , c1941
形態 xii, 754 p. : ill. ; 24 cm
注記 "Recommended readings" at end of each chapter. "References": p. 727-742
NCID BA07004309
本文言語 英語
著者標目 *Ruch, Floyd Leon, 1903- <AU00311640>
分類標目 LCC:BF131
分類標目 DC:150
分類標目 DC:159.9
件名標目等 Psychology