
Introduction, Family law

by Ernst Rabel ; foreword by William Draper Lewis and Hessel E. Yntema. -- 2nd ed.. -- University of Michigan Law School, 1958. -- (Michigan legal studies . The conflict of laws : a comparative study ; v. 1). <BY00339613>

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標題および責任表示 Introduction, Family law / by Ernst Rabel ; foreword by William Draper Lewis and Hessel E. Yntema
版次 2nd ed. / prepared by Ulrich Drobnig
出版事項 Ann Arbor : University of Michigan Law School , 1958
形態 lxi, 803 p. ; 24 cm
シリーズ名等 Michigan legal studies <BY02001366> . The conflict of laws : a comparative study ; v. 1//a
NCID BA04710205
本文言語 英語
著者標目 *Rabel, Ernst, 1874-1955 <AU00074856>
著者標目 Lewis, William Draper <>
著者標目 Yntema, Hessel Edward <AU00040108>
著者標目 Drobnig, Ulrich <AU00035598>