
Byles on bills of exchange : the law of bills of exchange, promissory notes, bank notes and cheques

26th ed., Mark Phillips. -- Sweet & Maxwell, 1988. <BY00014783>

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標題および責任表示 Byles on bills of exchange : the law of bills of exchange, promissory notes, bank notes and cheques
版次 26th ed. / by Frank R. Ryder and Antonio Bueno ; with the assistance of Richard Hedley, Mark Phillips
出版事項 London : Sweet & Maxwell , 1988
形態 lxxxviii, 586 p. ; 25 cm
ISBN 042138090X
注記 Previous ed.: 1983
注記 Includes index
NCID BA04474168
本文言語 英語
著者標目 *Byles, John Barnard, Sir, 1801-1884 <AU00045379>
著者標目 Ryder, Frank Raymond <AU00041717>
著者標目 Bueno, Antonio de Padua José María <AU00073188>
分類標目 LCC:KD1695
分類標目 DC19:344.106/96
分類標目 商法 NDC8:325.933
件名標目等 Great Britain. Negotiable instruments. Law
件名標目等 Negotiable instruments -- Great Britain