
Aristotle's Constitution of Athens and related texts

Aristoteles ; translated with an introduction and notes by Kurt von Fritz and Ernst Kapp. -- Hafner, 1950. -- (The Hafner library of classics ; No. 13). <BY00171112>

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標題および責任表示 Aristotle's Constitution of Athens and related texts / Aristoteles ; translated with an introduction and notes by Kurt von Fritz and Ernst Kapp
出版事項 New York : Hafner , 1950
形態 xii, 233 p. ; 21 cm
シリーズ名等 The Hafner library of classics <BY02000577> No. 13//a
その他の標題 背表紙タイトル:Constitution of Athens
注記 "Selected bibliography": p. xii
注記 Includes indexes
注記 Errata slip inserted
NCID BA01780587
本文言語 英語
著者標目 Aristotle <AU00002125>
著者標目 Fritz, Kurt von, 1900-1985 <AU00042389>
著者標目 Kapp, Ernst <AU00061255>