
The Liquid state of matter : fluids, simple and complex

editors, E.W. Montroll, J.L. Lebowitz. -- North-Holland Pub. Co.. -- (Studies in statistical mechanics / edited by J. De Boer and G.E. Uhlenbeck ; v. 8). <BY00190712>

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標題および責任表示 The Liquid state of matter : fluids, simple and complex / editors, E.W. Montroll, J.L. Lebowitz
出版事項 Amsterdam ; New York : North-Holland Pub. Co.
出版事項 New York, N.Y. : sole distributor for the U.S.A. and Canada, Elsevier Science Pub. Co. , 1982
形態 vii, 440 p. : ill. ; 23 cm
シリーズ名等 Studies in statistical mechanics / edited by J. De Boer and G.E. Uhlenbeck <BY03386093> v. 8//a
ISBN 0444863346
内容著作注記 On the equilibrium theory of fluids / J.L. Lebowitz and E.M. Waisman
内容著作注記 Non-uniform fluids / J.K. Percus
内容著作注記 Dense conducting liquids / N.W. Ashcroft
内容著作注記 The equilibrium statistical mechanics of simple ionic liquids / B. Hafskjold and G. Stell
内容著作注記 Equilibrium theory of polyatomic fluids / D. Chandler
内容著作注記 Low frequency dielectric properties of liquid and solid water / F.H. Stillinger
注記 Includes bibliographies and indexes
NCID BA01310517
本文言語 英語
著者標目 Montroll, E. W., 1916-1983 <AU00023034>
著者標目 Lebowitz, Joel Louis, 1930- <AU00037500>
分類標目 LCC:QC175
分類標目 LCC:QC145.2
分類標目 DC19:530.1/3 s
分類標目 DC19:530.4/2
件名標目等 Fluids