
The golden age of Latin Patristic literature from the Council of Nicea to the Council of Chalcedon

edited by Angelo di Berardino ; with an introduction by Johannes Quasten ; translated into English by Placid Solari. -- : cloth, : pbk. -- Christian Classics, 1986. -- (Patrology ; v. 4). <BY00142241>

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標題および責任表示 The golden age of Latin Patristic literature from the Council of Nicea to the Council of Chalcedon / edited by Angelo di Berardino ; with an introduction by Johannes Quasten ; translated into English by Placid Solari
出版事項 Westminster, Md. : Christian Classics , 1986
形態 xxviii, 667 p. ; 22 cm
シリーズ名等 Patrology <BY03450159> v. 4//b
巻次等 : cloth
ISBN 0870611267
巻次等 : pbk
ISBN 0870611275
注記 At head of title: Augustinian Patristic Institute, Rome
注記 Intended as the continuation of Jahannes Quasten's Patrology
NCID BA0066147X
本文言語 英語
著者標目 Di Berardino, Angelo <AU00038454>
著者標目 Quasten, Johannes, 1900- <AU00293462>