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日本材料学会. -- 12巻112号 (昭38.1)-. -- 日本材料学会, [1963]-. <SW00006936>
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No. Location Location2 Volume Available Years/Months Accession status Alert
0001 KS 3F Bound Periodicals 37-55 1988-2006
No. 0001
Location KS 3F Bound Periodicals
Volume 37-55
Available Years/Months 1988-2006
Accession status

Bibliography Details

title and statement of responsibility area 材料 / 日本材料学会
Volumes and Years of Serial 12巻112号 (昭38.1)-
publication,distribution,etc.,area 京都 : 日本材料学会 , [1963]-
physical description area 冊 ; 26cm
variant titles 異なりアクセスタイトル:Journal of the Society of Materials Science, Japan
note 巻号表示: -v. 44, no. 507 (Dec. 1995) ; V. 45, no. 1 (Jan. 1996)-
NCID AN00096175
text language code Japanese
frequency of publication code Monthly
ISSN 05145163
relation bibliography link 継続前誌 :材料試験 : journal of the Japan Society for Testing Materials / 日本材料試験協会 [編集]||ザイリョウ シケン : journal of the Japan Society for Testing Materials <SW02000277>
relation bibliography link 派生後誌 :Materials science research international <SW03170380>
author link 日本材料学会||ニホン ザイリョウ ガッカイ <AU00000123>