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原爆文学研究会 [編集] = Journal of genbaku literature / Society of Genbaku Literature. -- 1 ( [2002.8] )-. -- 花書院, 2002-. <SW03189334>
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Collective HoldingsList 1-1 of about 1

No. Location Location2 Volume Available Years/Months Accession status Alert
0001 U B1 Periodicals U 1F Periodicals 3 1-22 2002-2024 Accession continuing
No. 0001
Location U B1 Periodicals
Location2 U 1F Periodicals 3
Volume 1-22
Available Years/Months 2002-2024
Accession status Accession continuing

Bibliography Details

title and statement of responsibility area 原爆文学研究 / 原爆文学研究会 [編集] = Journal of genbaku literature / Society of Genbaku Literature
ゲンバク ブンガク ケンキュウ
Volumes and Years of Serial 1 ( [2002.8] )-
publication,distribution,etc.,area 福岡 : 花書院 , 2002-
physical description area 冊 ; 21cm
NCID AA11705127
text language code Japanese
author link 原爆文学研究会
ゲンバク ブンガク ケンキュウカイ <>