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社会言語科学会 [編] = The Japanese journal of language in society / the Japanese Association of Sociological Sciences. -- 1巻1号 (1998.11)-. -- 社会言語科学会, 1998-. <SW03308517>
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No. Location Location2 Volume Available Years/Months Accession status Alert
0001 U B1 Periodicals U 1F Periodicals 3 9-26, 27(1) 2006-2024 Accession continuing
No. 0001
Location U B1 Periodicals
Location2 U 1F Periodicals 3
Volume 9-26, 27(1)
Available Years/Months 2006-2024
Accession status Accession continuing

Bibliography Details

title and statement of responsibility area 社会言語科学 / 社会言語科学会 [編] = The Japanese journal of language in society / the Japanese Association of Sociological Sciences
シャカイ ゲンゴ カガク
Volumes and Years of Serial 1巻1号 (1998.11)-
publication,distribution,etc.,area [川崎] : 社会言語科学会 , 1998-
physical description area 冊 ; 26cm
note 事務局の所在: 専修大学文学部永瀬研究室内
NCID AA11510423
text language code Japanese
frequency of publication code Twice a year
ISSN 13443909
author link 社会言語科学会
シャカイ ゲンゴ カガクカイ <>